Robot Carnival is a collection of dark and futuristic short films that explore the themes of technology, humanity, and the consequences of our creations. From a giant robot destroying an amusement park to a scientist's secret lover revealed to be an android, each story offers a unique perspective on the potential dangers and wonders of the robotic age.
Smedley is the manager of Balancing Rock Canyon where various boulders are perched atop high poles. As Smedley explains, the slightest noise is enough to send the rocks tumbling ("You gotta be quieter than a goldfish in a sound-proof aquarium") so it's hardly a surprise that he panics when Chilly Willy arrives selling various loud noisemakers among them firecrackers, a "boomerang brick", a joy buzzer, novelty gun, and exploding telephone.
Louie receives a text message from the province that his father Ulding had a heart attack. Louie rushes to drive home from Manila only to find out that the message was nothing but a prank. Louie then senses something eerie about his hometown. He finds out there have been several killings in the area all done in the same manner. Apparently, the victim first hears some rumbling noise that is before they are found dead all covered with mud. When the killings move closer to home and threatens Louie’s family, he discovers for himself how he had been estranged from his roots and now must face his past with the horror of what is to happen.
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