Cheeky is a comedy movie that revolves around a cheeky Italian woman who boldly explores her sexuality. Through various encounters, she seduces numerous partners and engages in adventurous activities, including voyeurism, exhibitionism, and outdoor sex. The film showcases her journey of self-discovery and the excitement she finds in her sexual experiences.
Effie Gray tells the story of Effie Gray, a young woman who finds herself in a loveless and unconsummated marriage in Victorian England. As she struggles to find happiness and love, she must navigate the complexities of societal expectations and the domineering presence of her mother-in-law. This period drama explores themes of love, desire, and personal liberation.
In post-World War II Germany, a teenage girl named Lore discovers that her parents, who were high-ranking Nazis, have been arrested. She must lead her siblings across the country to their grandmother's house while avoiding Allied soldiers and facing the harsh realities of the aftermath of war.
Arabella, a woman leading a double life, becomes entangled in a murder investigation when a man is found stabbed with scissors. As the police dig deeper, Arabella's dark secrets and hidden desires are revealed, leading to a twisted web of murder, sex, and deception.
Don's Party is a hilarious and poignant exploration of the politics and social dynamics of a group of friends gathered for a party on the night of the 1969 Australian federal election. As the night progresses, tensions rise, egos clash, and relationships are tested, revealing the true nature of each character. Fueled by alcohol and political fervor, the party becomes a battleground for personal and ideological conflicts. Through sharp dialogue and memorable characters, the film delves into themes of class divide, conservatism, socialism, and the complexities of relationships.
A pale-looking man, Kazuhiko, is being questioned by the police following the extremely bloody murder of a young woman. He begins his story with the day that two sisters, Akiko and Mayuko, moved into the house across from his. After helping the pair move in, he starts talking with the younger sister, and soon they become intimate. The relationship continues for a while, but one day the sisters suddenly pack up and disappear, but not before sharing their secret with Kazuhiko. What kind of secret could have caused him to commit such a murder? Or did he?
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