The Panel was a weekly topical comedy-style chat show produced by Happy Endings Productions for RTÉ. It is based on the Australian programme The Panel, produced by Working Dog Productions for Network Ten. The 2010–2011 season began on 7 October 2010, with a new permanent presenter, Craig Doyle, and ran each Thursday at 22:15 on RTÉ One until 26 January 2011. The theme song is "Waterfall" by The Stone Roses.
Wanderly Wagon was an Irish children's television series which aired on RTÉ from Saturday 30 September 1967 until 1982. Wanderly Wagon followed human and puppet characters as they traveled around Ireland visiting interesting locations, rescuing princesses and generally doing good. The original premise of the show expanded to follow the characters to magical lands of Irish mythology, and into outer space.
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