In a land of magic and knights, a young woman named Kayley embarks on a dangerous and epic quest to retrieve Excalibur, the magical sword of King Arthur. With the help of a blind hermit and a two-headed dragon, she faces battles, betrayal, and a vengeful villain who seeks to destroy Camelot. Will Kayley succeed in her mission and save the kingdom?
Based on a true story, set in the late 19th century: Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears after a South American shipwreck. Some years later his erudite Afro-English valet, Bogle, is sent to investigate rumors that Tichborne survived and settled in Australia. An alcoholic ruffian answer's Bogle's inquiries claiming to be the lost heir. Bogle suspects fraud, but conspires with the claimant to split the inheritance should the latter succesfully pass himself off to friends, family and the courts. As the claimant returns to England to continue his charade, enough people confirm his identity to make both the claimant and Bogle believe that he just might be the rightful heir after all.
Hercules battles an evil sorceress who turns men into werewolves. The mythic duo returns in Prisoner of Evil, where a sorceress seduces Herc and transforms him into a mindless beast. Italian horror master Antonio Margheriti directed this installment of the Hercules legend, a blend of sword-and-sandal fantasy and horror.
During the eighteenth century the Empress of Russia sends her lover to kidnap her rival for the throne.
Prince Klemens von Metternich orders Friedrich Gentz, one of his aides, to keep the Duke of Reichstadt---Napoleon Francois Joseph Charles---son of Napoleon and heir to the French throne, from thinking about French politics. Gentz enlists the help of ballerina Fanny Elsser, all the rage in several European capitals, to keep the Duke distracted.
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