Terry Leather, a struggling car salesman, is approached by his friend Martine Love with an opportunity to rob a bank in London. Along with a crew of petty criminals, they dig a tunnel under a restaurant to reach the bank vault. However, Terry discovers Martine's hidden agenda when they find compromising photos of high-ranking officials. As the police and a gangster get involved, Terry must navigate a web of corruption to ensure the safety of his crew and himself.
Long-time friends Eddie, Bacon, Soap, and Tom pool money for a high-stakes card game against mobster Hatchet Harry. When Eddie loses and owes £500,000, the group must come up with the money within a week. They plan a heist on a gang of thieves, but things go awry when the stolen loot leads to a confrontation with a psychopathic gangster. As the friends try to navigate a web of violence and deception, they realize the value of the antique shotguns they possess. The film ends with a cliffhanger as one friend hangs over a bridge, preparing to drop the shotguns into the river Thames.
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