Roswell follows the lives of a group of teenagers living in Roswell, New Mexico, who discover that they are not from Earth. As they navigate the complexities of their alien origins, they form deep friendships and romantic relationships while facing government conspiracies and supernatural forces. Set in the backdrop of the 1990s and 2000s, the show blends drama, romance, mystery, and science fiction elements.
Roswell, New Mexico is a TV show that combines drama, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi genres. It revolves around the lives of characters living in Roswell, New Mexico, where aliens and supernatural beings exist. The story follows the challenges, relationships, and secrets that unfold in this unique town.
The Extreme Dinosaurs, a group of anthropomorphic dinosaurs with superpowers, team up with a female police officer and a scientist to protect Earth from evil aliens and their plans of using a weapon of mass destruction. With their hoverbikes and rock-themed superpowers, the Extreme Dinosaurs engage in thrilling battles of good versus evil.
In Project Ithaca, a group of strangers wakes up aboard an alien spaceship, trapped and forced to confront their deepest fears. As they try to unravel the mystery of their captors' intentions, they must navigate mind games and a dark secret that threatens their survival. With each passing moment, tensions rise and alliances shift, leading to a climactic showdown. Will they find a way to escape or succumb to the horrors of their predicament?
In Search of Aliens is a documentary TV show that explores various unexplained phenomena, including aliens, World War II conspiracies, and mythical creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. With a focus on providing evidence and examining historical events, this show takes viewers on an intriguing journey.
Join Coast to Coast AM's George Noory for dynamic discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and all things unexplained.
Out of the Blue is a documentary that explores the history of UFO sightings and the government's involvement in covering up evidence. It delves into various incidents such as the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident and the Phoenix Lights, providing interviews with witnesses and experts in the field.
People from various walks of life find themselves held captive in a desolate area surrounding a secret government installation rumored to contain extraterrestrial life
The search for ET, all the latest news presented by Linda Moulton Howe.
Now, we're getting a new look at the infamous Roswell UFO case of 1947 in Roswell: Mysteries Decoded. The show follows investigator Jennifer Marshall and Rogue Planet's own Ryan Sprague as they head to Roswell and dive deep into the mysteries of one of the most famous alleged crashes of all time.
Unaware is a horror sci-fi thriller about a couple whose vacation takes a terrifying turn when they stumble upon a top-secret government conspiracy in Texas. As they uncover the truth about a mysterious found footage tape, they become entangled in a web of deception, alien encounters, and a marriage proposal like no other.
Researchers have been searching for proof of extraterrestrial life for years. Earl Anderson, the head of Investigations of MUFON Los Angeles, and his team search for proof of the existence of UAPs and life on beyond planet Earth. The proof is out there.
A look at the Roswell crash landing.
VICE meets up with Joe Nickell, a longtime paranormal investigator who’s been called the real-life Scully. We travel with him to Roswell, NM on the anniversary of the 1947 UFO Crash to talk to believers, skeptics and UFO witnesses alike to see if the truth is really out there.
Interviews by Stanton Friedman about the Roswell crash
The most famous UFO case of all time is the alleged UFO crash in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Did humanity make its first contact with alien life that dark starry night?
Stanton T. Friedman Is Real! (2002) is a documentary that delves into the fascinating life and groundbreaking work of Stanton T. Friedman, a renowned researcher and nuclear physicist. The film explores his dedication to unraveling the truth behind the infamous Roswell incident and his tireless pursuit of evidence supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life. Through interviews, archival footage, and compelling evidence, the documentary sheds light on Friedman's impactful contributions to ufology and his relentless quest for the truth.
An examination of the events surrounding the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. Including interviews with UFO experts, government and military officials, and people who claim to have witnessed the incident.