Barry, a bee who just graduated from college, is disillusioned with his career making honey. He meets Vanessa, a florist, and discovers humans eat honey. Barry decides to sue humans and ultimately succeeds, but realizes the consequences of his actions and helps save the world by pollinating flowers.
Two clueless hosts provide hilarious commentary during the Rose Parade, showcasing their unique brand of comedy and satire. As the parade progresses, they find themselves in absurd and comical situations, creating a memorable and entertaining experience.
An entertaining look at the history of America’s greatest parade, guided by hosts and TV icons, William Shatner and Stephanie Edwards.
Blackout gags about the holidays. New Year's (the baby speaks to us). Valentine's Day, Washington Day, etc.
Columbia's Spirit of Stanford is built around the talents of a real-life college football star, in this instance all-American quarterback Frankie Albert.
Vincent Van Gogh comes back to life after being the recipient of a magic potion. He finds that his work has become quite valuable, and begins stealing his works. At the same time, he has a hard time getting anyone to believe he's really Van Gogh.
A Thrilling Experience in the World of Beauty and Adventure!
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