Problem Child follows the story of a mischievous 7-year-old boy who wreaks havoc on his adoptive parents and those around him. From causing mayhem at birthday parties to pulling pranks on his neighbors, this dark comedy explores the life of a problem child and the challenges faced by his foster parents.
In 1940s France, a music teacher joins a boys' choir at a boarding school and inspires the students to find hope and redemption through the magic of music. The story revolves around the journey of a troubled 13-year-old boy and the bond he forms with his teacher.
In exploring sex offenses, particularly against children, this film reveals the inner workings of the Zurich police and INTERPOL as they pursue persons accused of voyeurism, rape, fetishism, sadism, and masochism. After the criminals are arrested and given psychological tests, they may be sentenced to an institution or undergo brain surgery (with their consent) in order to be rehabilitated.
Go backstage at the country's oldest drag club with this fascinating look at the psychology of drag that examines the skills needed for men to transform into women and the complex social interaction between performers and audience.
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