In this action-packed fantasy comedy, a group of monks, accompanied by a mischievous monkey king, encounters various demons and supernatural beings as they embark on a treacherous journey to the West. Along the way, they face countless challenges and obstacles, relying on their wit, bravery, and teamwork to save humanity from destruction.
10.0 Earthquake is a disaster movie that revolves around an earthquake of epic proportions hitting Los Angeles. The film follows a group of characters as they try to survive the aftermath of the quake, facing various challenges and dangers. With the city in ruins and lives hanging in the balance, they must find a way to escape the disaster and find safety.
Generazione 1000 euro is a hilarious movie that follows a group of friends in Milan, Italy. The story revolves around their adventures, including dealing with infidelity, a cheating girlfriend, and even unexpected ceiling, roof, and floor collapses. The movie captures the essence of youth and the vibrant city of Milan. Based on a novel, it portrays the struggles and aspirations of a generation striving to make their mark.
Tom Kennedy joins a shooting contest over at the Acme Gun Club.
Blue Mountains, or Unbelievable Story (1983) is a comedy-drama film set in the Caucasus region of Georgia, during the time of communism. The story revolves around a man who finds himself caught in a web of absurd situations, including being trapped in an elevator, witnessing a crack in the wall, and experiencing a collapse of his house roof. As he navigates through these bizarre events, he encounters various eccentric characters like a secretary, a bureaucrat, a mining engineer, and a publisher. The film is a satirical commentary on the absurdities of the bureaucratic system and the struggles faced by individuals in a communist regime.
Snub is an street sweeper with OCD, living in a neighborhood full of fussy people. He is sweeping the street when he anticipates a cop who is about to throw some litter into the road and dashes over to catch it in his cart. He then tries to save a drunken man from falling into the road before stopping his cart to pick up a solitary leaf which has dared to fallen upon the ground. The eccentric and obsessed street sweeper meticulously disposes of the leaf but when he turns around he finds half the tree has shed its leaves at that very moment
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