Day Dreams is a silent comedy film about a stock-broker who daydreams about various scenarios during work, leading to chaotic and comedic situations. The film showcases slapstick comedy and visual humor, with memorable scenes involving a riverboat, police chases, and a hilarious encounter with a skunk. Set in Manhattan, New York City, the story takes place in the bustling world of Wall Street, where the protagonist's daydreams often interrupt his daily routine and lead to unexpected consequences.
Roman emperor Caligula leaves the last days of glory amidst orgies of food and sex. During a show by two nude slaves, the emperor is particularly attracted to one of them, Lysia, ignoring that she had been planted close to him with orders to murder him. Only, the young man makes her feel for him, passion and motherly love, and she'll protect him rather then fulfill her mission. Drama ensues.
In 1st-century Britannia, a Viking queen seeks revenge against the Roman Empire for the death of her father. With the help of a druid, she forms a political alliance and leads a rebellion against Roman tyranny.
Evocation of the life of Jesus Christ.
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