Domina is a historical drama TV show set in ancient Rome. It revolves around the life of a powerful woman who navigates through the intricate power struggles, political intrigues, and rivalries of the Roman Empire. The show explores themes like murder, slavery, arranged marriage, and the complex dynamics of family relationships.
Roman Scandals is a pre-code musical comedy with elements of fantasy and romance. It follows the story of a man who is transported back to ancient Rome and embarks on a series of misadventures, including being sold into slavery and participating in a chariot race. The film features catchy musical numbers, comedic farce, and a touch of romance.
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.
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