In this romantic comedy-drama, the lives of various characters intertwine as they encounter love, betrayal, and adventure, all connected by their experiences with a Yellow Rolls-Royce. Set in the 1940s, the film follows a group of people, including a British Foreign Office official, a gangster, a resistance fighter, and a socialite, as they navigate their relationships and face the challenges of war and infidelity.
Goodbye Charlie is a comedy fantasy movie about a man named Charlie who is murdered by his lover's jealous husband and is reincarnated as a woman named Eve. As Eve, Charlie must navigate the challenges of being a woman while also seeking revenge on his killer. Along the way, he/she encounters various humorous situations and unexpected twists.
Walter Catlett is the cousin to some squeaky voiced Dagwood Bumstead type who can't get a girl. Can he browbeat his cousin into swiping pretty girl from accomplished gunman, boxer, and horseman Franklin Pangborn (!?), or is that just DREAM STUFF?
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