Air Gear follows the story of Itsuki Minami, a teenager who becomes involved in an underground sport called Air Treck. He forms a gang of rollerbladers called Kogarasumaru and sets out to compete against other teams in order to become the top team in the sport. Along the way, he faces various challenges and encounters rival gangs, all while dealing with personal struggles and discovering more about himself.
The Rose Seller follows the story of a street child who turns to glue-sniffing and prostitution in order to survive the harsh realities of street life and poverty.
Mixed Nuts is a Christmas comedy set in a crisis center for suicidal people on Christmas Eve. The employees, led by their flaky director Philip, must deal with a variety of eccentric and desperate characters who come seeking help, including a pregnant woman whose water breaks, a cross-dressing photographer, and a serial killer dressed as Santa Claus.
In 'Brink!', a talented inline skater named Andy Brinker and his friends compete in various skating competitions. When they discover that a corporate executive plans to turn their favorite skating spot into a corporate amusement park, they must use their skills to save their beloved rink and Andy's family business. Along the way, Andy faces personal struggles and learns important lessons about friendship and integrity.
The escapades of a crew of zany parking lot attendants.
Pocket Ninjas is a family comedy movie about a group of kids who learn ninjitsu to defend their neighborhood from bullies. With the help of their sensei, the children go through various training exercises and face challenges to become skilled ninjas. Along the way, they discover the importance of teamwork and friendship.
Rollergator is a comedy movie from 1996 about a talking alligator named Rollergator who escapes from a laboratory. He meets a girl named Jessie who helps him on his adventure through a rollerblade carnival. Together, they encounter various challenges and obstacles as they try to stay ahead of the evil ninja who wants to capture Rollergator. With the help of their friends and the power of friendship, they overcome the odds and save the day.
When Kirk, a top roller-blader, discovers that he has bone cancer in his leg, his pleasant affluent life is shattered. Even though amputation provides the best chance for survival; to him, losing skating means the end of life. His friends cannot cope with his condition, but his hospital isolation is relieved by Marty - a street kid survivor who was found dying of leukemia. Marty bullies, taunts, and challenges Kirk, until he begins to climb out of his depression. Marty seems afraid of nothing and, knowing she will die, wants to experience everything.
Years after losing a downhill race, Val decides to kidnap his former rival's sister and challenge him to a rematch.
Blades has to defeat his ex rival Ajax for the last and final time or pay the consequences.
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