The movie follows the lives of the first astronauts in the US space program, known as the Mercury Seven. It explores their struggles, triumphs, and the intense competition between them as they strive to become a part of history by being the first to venture into space. With the Cold War as a backdrop, the film showcases their physical and mental tests, their bravery, and the risks they take to push the limits of human exploration.
Spy Hard is a comedy film that parodies the spy genre. It follows Agent WD-40 as he tries to stop an evil general from launching a missile. With ridiculous sight gags and over-the-top humor, Spy Hard is a hilarious guilty pleasure.
2001: The Making of a Myth is a documentary that delves into the creation of the science fiction masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey. It explores the process of filmmaking and the impact of the movie on popular culture.
Command and Control is a documentary film that tells the story of a nuclear missile accident that occurred in Arkansas, highlighting the risks and consequences of mishaps during the Cold War era. The film focuses on the events of 1980 and includes interviews and archive footage.
A U.S. agent goes undercover as a rich playboy to stop a madman from destroying a NASA moon project.
On April 12th, 1961, the Soviet Union reports the successful launch, orbit and reentry of the first man in space, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin pushing the cold war into a space duel. With the collapse of communism and the rise of freedom in the Russian Federation, recent access to documents in the Kremlin archives reveal a story intended to remain buried forever. Yuri Gagarin, the icon of triumphant communism known world over, was not the first man in space. He was preceded by Vladimir Ilyushin, an unsung hero and the man at the center of this decades old conspiracy....
"If some of the film was spoiled, it's remotely possible they [NASA] may have shot some scenes in a studio environment to avoid embarrassment." - David Groves, PhD. This compelling video throws into serious doubt the authenticity of the Apollo missions and features information that challenges the declared abilities of NASA to successfully send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth. New evidence clearly suggests that NASA hoaxed pictures allegedly taken on the lunar surface. These findings are supported by analysis and the testimony of experts from various disciplines, including photographer/filmmaker David S. Percy ARPS and physicist David Groves PhD. Hear what NASA has to say in response to these disturbing findings.
This film explosives the inherently dangerous occupation of astronauts and cosmonauts, who in the face of an unforgiving hostile environment, and relentless life threatening pressures, endured almost certain death in the pursuit to conquer the unknown.
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