RoboCop: The Series follows the adventures of RoboCop, a cyborg police officer who fights crime and corruption in a futuristic city. As he battles criminals and takes on evil corporations, RoboCop uses his enhanced abilities to maintain law and order.
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop, is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. In an attempt to sway public opinion, OmniCorp creates RoboCop, a law enforcement product combining man and machine. As RoboCop takes on crime in Detroit, public opinion starts to change. However, when RoboCop discovers the truth about his creation, he seeks revenge on those responsible. With the help of his former partner and other police officers, RoboCop takes down the corrupt CEO of OmniCorp and exposes the truth to the public.
In a crime-ridden Detroit, a cyborg police officer battles against a cyborg villain who is terrorizing the city. As the violence escalates, RoboCop must navigate a web of corruption and face off against powerful enemies to save the city from destruction.
In a dystopian future, a cyborg police officer must battle against corporate crime and organized crime syndicates. With the help of other police officers and a resistance group, he fights to bring justice to a city on the brink of collapse.
RoboCop: Alpha Commando was a short-lived animated series based on the Orion Pictures film RoboCop and the series/films that followed in the 1980s-1990s. It was the second animated version of the character, following on from RoboCop: The Animated Series.
In a near-future, crime-ridden city, Robocop, a humanoid cyborg, fights against urban decay and corruption. With his enhanced abilities and high-tech weaponry, he becomes a one-man army against gangsters and criminals, seeking justice in a brutal and gritty urban setting.
In a futuristic world, the cyborg police officer RoboCop fights crime and protects the innocent, using his unique abilities and advanced technology. Based on the popular film, this animated series explores the action-packed adventures of the iconic character.
Hollywood Roses is starting to make it big and they’re ready for the next step. Of course all their success has come after the band killed off the original founder, Drake. Once they realized he was holding them back, they turned on him and now they’re the best thing out there. Of course his girlfriend hasn’t forgiven them and now the band is gonna have to deal with Drake’s Ghost!
Set in crime-ridden Detroit. Centers around the cyborg as he is forced to come back to the city and save it from the brink of anarchy.
During The Time When The 2014 Reboot Was Coming Out, Fans Decided To Remake The Original Themselves
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