Super Friends is an action-packed animated TV show from 1973 that follows the adventures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other DC superheroes as they battle against various supervillains to save the world. Join these legendary heroes in their mission to protect humanity.
Challenge of the Super Friends follows a group of superheroes known as the Super Friends as they battle against a team of supervillains, the Legion of Doom. Together, they must protect the world from various threats and save the day.
The show follows the adventures of Batman, the caped crusader of Gotham City, as he fights against various supervillains and criminals. Alongside his loyal sidekick Robin, Batman uses his detective skills, martial arts expertise, and high-tech gadgets to protect the city from evil forces.
Jonathan Kent, an 11-year-old with superpowers, teams up with Damian Wayne, aka Boy Wonder, to rescue their fathers and protect the planet from the malevolent alien force Starro. Together, they become the Super Sons, fulfilling their destiny as superheroes.
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show is an animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero team the Super Friends. It follows the adventures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other superheroes as they battle against supervillains to protect the world.
In the year 2040, Terry McGinnis takes up the mantle of Batman under the mentorship of an older Bruce Wayne. When the Joker returns to wreak havoc on Gotham City, Batman must uncover the truth behind the clown's resurrection and stop him before he unleashes chaos on the city. With the help of familiar allies and facing off against dangerous villains, Batman learns the importance of embracing his legacy and saving the day.
The All-New Super Friends Hour follows the adventures of superheroes as they battle against a team of supervillains led by Lex Luthor. Together, they protect the world from various threats and explore outer space. The show features action, adventure, animation, and sci-fi elements, appealing to the whole family.
When Batwoman enters the Gotham City crime scene, Batman must uncover her true identity and motives before things escalate.
In the 1950s, the Justice League superheroes, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and The Flash, unite to fight against supervillains and save the world from destruction during the Cold War.
The New Adventures of Batman follows the caped crusader and his sidekick Robin as they fight against the villains of Gotham City. They encounter various challenges and go on thrilling adventures to protect the city from crime.
In Batman vs. Robin, Batman faces a tough challenge when his own son, Robin, starts to question his methods and allies with the Court of Owls, a secret society in Gotham City. As Batman tries to bring Robin back to the right path, they both encounter the dangerous Dollmaker and face numerous obstacles that test their father-son bond.
In Batman vs. Two-Face, Batman must confront his old friend Harvey Dent who has become the villainous Two-Face. With the help of Robin and some familiar faces, Batman tries to stop Two-Face's evil plans while also dealing with his own personal demons. The movie is filled with action, comedy, and twists as Batman fights to protect Gotham City.
The members of the Super Friends face off against the forces of evil in battles across the galaxy.
When a mysterious new villain threatens Gotham City, Batman must join forces with his extended Bat-family to save the day. Together, they face action-packed battles, comedic mishaps, and surprising revelations that test their bonds as a crime-fighting family.
When Mr. Freeze kidnaps Barbara Gordon and decides to use her for a life-saving operation for his dying wife, Batman and Robin must track him down and save her before it's too late.
After Batman's secret son Damian is brought back to life, he must face his destiny as the new Robin and help his father take down the Society of Assassins.
Batman and Robin join forces with Batgirl to take on their arch-nemeses Catwoman and the Joker. As they navigate through a plot to jettison Gotham City into space, the Caped Crusaders must use their detective skills and superhero abilities to save the day.
When the Joker escapes from Arkham Asylum, Batman and the Justice League must stop his chaotic plans to take over Gotham City.
When the Legion of Doom tries to use a magical weapon to control time, the JLA gets trapped in different eras. They must work together and use their superpowers to find a way back home and save the world.
Aquaman and the Justice League must defend Atlantis from Ocean Master and his allies. They embark on an epic adventure that tests their skills and teamwork. Will they be able to save the Seven Seas?