On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi must save young Leia after she is kidnapped, all the while being pursued by Imperial Inquisitors and his former Padawan now known as Darth Vader.
Helen of Troy is a TV show that tells the story of the legendary Trojan War, focusing on the love between Helen and Paris, and the ensuing conflict that engulfs the city of Troy. This epic drama explores themes of love, honor, betrayal, and the devastating consequences of war.
Memoirs of an Invisible Man follows the story of a man who becomes invisible after a laboratory accident. He is pursued by the CIA who wants to use his invisibility as a weapon. As he tries to uncover their plans, he forms a relationship with a woman who helps him. With comedic and thrilling moments, the movie explores the consequences and challenges of living as an invisible person.
The House of the Spirits tells the story of the Trueba family, spanning three generations in Chile. It explores themes of political unrest, oppression, and the struggles faced by the characters amidst various historical events, including the Chilean coup d'état. The narrative revolves around the relationships, conflicts, and secrets within the family, intertwined with elements of clairvoyance and paranormal phenomena. The story delves into love, marriage, class conflict, and the pursuit of justice and revenge.
Barbie, a courageous girl with long blonde hair, dreams of becoming a musketeer. In 17th century Paris, she joins forces with three other musketeers to save the kingdom from the evil traitor. Together, they embark on an adventure full of sword fights, duels, and bravery, all while facing challenges and forming a tight friendship. Barbie proves that even a scullery maid can become a hero and make a difference in the world.
After being released from a mental institution, a manipulative woman named Ivy moves in with her cousin and his wife. She entices the husband into an affair while plotting to murder his wife.
Dope is a hilarious and thrilling adventure comedy that follows Malcolm, a high school geek living in Inglewood, California. When Malcolm and his friends accidentally find themselves in possession of a major stash of drugs, they must navigate the dangerous world of drug dealers and gangsters while trying to escape with their lives.
In the year 1999, Earth is on the brink of destruction due to a devastating war. As a last-ditch effort, a group of astronauts embarks on a mission to colonize Mars. However, they soon discover strange occurrences and ancient ruins on the red planet, leading to a series of revelations and encounters with friendly and hostile aliens. The timelines of past and future intertwine as the settlers struggle to survive and unravel the mysteries of Mars.
The Robe is an epic drama set in ancient Rome. It follows the story of Marcellus Gallio, a Roman military tribune, who is assigned to oversee the crucifixion of Jesus. After winning Jesus' robe in a dice game, Marcellus finds himself plagued by guilt and embarks on a journey of redemption and faith.
In Roxanne, the fire chief of a small town, whose large nose has always made him feel self-conscious, helps his colleague win the heart of a woman. Along the way, he falls in love with her himself, leading to a complicated love triangle.
After the murder of his parents, a young martial artist seeks revenge and trains at the Shaolin Temple to become a master. Along the way, he uncovers a traitor within the temple and faces numerous challenges.
When a kung-fu master is wrongly accused of murder and discovers a plot to assassinate the emperor, he must use his martial arts skills to clear his name and seek revenge.
Aristide Buratti is a wealthy grocer married to attractive Valentina. Although they seem to have a happy marriage, Valentina feels herself culturally inferior because she is a high school dropout. Despite her husband's objections, she enrolls at a private boarding school.
When a documentary crew investigates a religious cult's mass suicide, they uncover supernatural powers and the resurrection of the dead.
In TiMER, people get an implant called the TiMER, which counts down to the exact moment they will meet their soulmate. Oona, a grocery store clerk and musician, has a TiMER implanted but it remains blank, indicating that her soulmate has not yet gotten a TiMER. As she navigates through relationships, Oona starts to question the concept of soulmates and whether the TiMER truly guarantees a happy ending.
Fantasy Mission Force is an action-comedy movie set during World War II. A group of eccentric characters embarks on a daring mission to rescue prisoners held by the Japanese Empire. Their journey is filled with martial arts battles, gunfights, and absurd situations that highlight their unique abilities and quirks.
Samsara is a non-narrative documentary that takes the viewer on a visually stunning journey across different countries and cultures, exploring themes such as modern life, balance, art, and spirituality. Using breathtaking aerial shots and stunning cinematography, the film provides a unique perspective on the diversity and interconnectedness of the human experience.
In ancient China, the Emperor seeks to unify the warring states and build the Great Wall. However, his ambitious plans are threatened by political plots, cruelty, and treachery. As the Emperor's loyal assassin faces accusations of treason, he must navigate through a web of secrets, capture, and murder to protect his king.
Private Resort is a hilarious sex comedy that follows the misadventures of two friends at a luxurious private resort. They encounter a series of hilarious and awkward situations involving women, nudity, and plenty of humor.