In Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne (2012), Roseanne Barr, a beloved comedian, gets roasted by a group of fellow comedians, friends, and celebrities. The hilarious insults and jokes fly as they poke fun at Roseanne's life, career, and even her controversial run for president. Prepare for a night full of laughter!
Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Anderson is a hilarious roast ceremony featuring top comedians making jokes and poking fun at Pamela Anderson. The event is filled with laughter, witty remarks, and playful banter, making it a must-watch for comedy lovers.
A singer-songwriter's life takes a dramatic turn when she meets a charming tennis coach. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of pursuing their dreams and falling in love.
Comedy Central Roast of Jeff Foxworthy is a hilarious and lively event where comedians come together to roast the renowned stand-up comedian, Jeff Foxworthy. The show is filled with jokes, insults, and hilarious anecdotes that will leave you in stitches.
The Franco Roast Red Carpet Pre-Show is hosted by Franco's real-life grandmother, Mitzie Verne and comedian Jonah Ray. Mitzie brings the Franco family perspective to the carpet and spends time on her couch with celebrity attendees, while Jonah stumps talent with Roast trivia and makes them unwitting participants in short comedic bits. Produced by CC:Studios, COMEDY CENTRAL's in-house digital studio.
A hilarious celebrity roast of Michael Landon, filled with laughs and good times.
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