In Addams Family Reunion, the eccentric Addams family gathers for a family reunion filled with hilarious and spooky adventures. When their long-lost relative arrives, the Addams family must navigate through strange and campy situations, including a mysterious hotel, a butler, a book with hidden secrets, taxidermy, and even a dog with a transformation. As they uncover the family's dark past and deal with unconventional family dynamics, they learn the importance of love and acceptance.
Night Moves is about three radical environmentalists who plan an act of eco-terrorism. They build explosives and set them off in a dam, intending to take down a hydroelectric power station. However, their action has unexpected consequences and they are soon filled with guilt and paranoia.
A young boy named Ted lives in a small rural town with his father. Ted appears to be a normal child, but he harbors dark sociopathic tendencies. When his father is killed in a car accident, Ted's behavior takes a dark turn as he begins a murder spree, targeting both animals and humans. The townspeople are in a state of fear as they try to uncover the truth behind the killings and stop Ted before he strikes again.
A headstrong solicitor named Joy plans to give away her newborn baby to her sister. However, her plan takes an unexpected turn when a vulnerable but opinionated teenager named Mully steals their taxi. Together, they embark on a wild journey across Ireland, stealing cars, hitch-hiking, catching ferries, and breaking police barricades.
A year in the life of a wildlife bridge over a busy highway in southern Finland, showing the animals crossing over and the traffic flowing under.
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