In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, a team of highly trained soldiers known as S.P.O.O.K.S. (Special Police Organized Offensive Killing Squad) is tasked with eliminating the undead menace and protecting the remaining survivors. As they fight their way through hordes of flesh-eating zombies, they uncover a dark secret that could change the fate of humanity.
In the midst of the Iraq War, a reporter and a war correspondent stumble upon a hidden cave, where they discover a mythical creature known as the Manticore. As they try to document their findings, they find themselves in a deadly battle against the monster, leading to a thrilling and action-packed adventure.
Infested is a horror movie about a group of friends who attend a reunion at a country house, only to find themselves trapped and tormented by a horde of deadly insects. As the insects multiply and become more aggressive, the friends must fight for their lives and find a way to escape the infestation. With a mix of horror, comedy, and thrilling action, Infested delivers a suspenseful and terrifying experience.
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