The Ugly Duckling and Me! is an animated adventure comedy that follows the story of a ventriloquist dummy named Ratso who befriends an ugly duckling. Together, they embark on a journey to find the duckling's true identity and overcome various challenges. Along the way, they encounter a ghost train, a talking animal, and even a wedding. With themes of friendship, self-discovery, and acceptance, this heartwarming movie is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Ravi, son of industrialist SK Nanda, returns to find Ramesh and his family, falling in love with Ramesh's sister Kanchan, who discovers Ravi is Ramesh's younger brother and promises not to visit Nanda house.
Rand, a vengeful discharged fireman, tampers with the airbrakes of a large freight locomotive making them useless on the long descent from the summit of Pine Hill to Lone Point the following day. Learning of the impending peril, Helen dashes to a water tower under which the train must pass, climbs out on the spout, leaps onto the roof of one of the cars, and warns the engineer in time. Helen's heroism wins her another offer of marriage, this time from Wadsworth, the freight engineer, but once again she opts for next weeks hazards instead.
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