Ludo is a fantasy thriller movie set in India. The story follows a cursed game that unleashes a series of supernatural events, including vampirism and cannibalism. The main characters find themselves trapped in a hotel where they must survive and solve the mystery behind the curse. The movie explores themes of ritual, psychotronic elements, and taboo subjects like incest. The setting also includes a shopping mall, adding to the suspense and horror.
The Girl on a Motorcycle is a 1968 movie that follows the story of a woman who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and freedom by riding a motorcycle across Germany. Along the way, she explores her desires and confronts the limitations of her marriage, leading to infidelity. The movie delves into themes of naivete, self-destructiveness, and the search for euphoria.
A kickboxer has an accounting problem with the mobster (Anthony Geary) who lent him money for a nightclub.
Jean Remy is a Haitian man struggling to find employment in Dominican Republic. Confronted with rejection and discrimination in the city, he sets off to try his luck in the countryside. Imbued with a naturalistic grace, this deeply sympathetic portrait speaks eloquently to the trials of humanity.
Lola and her friends enter a contest of carnival dance groups, driven by the dream of reaching New York and meeting her father.
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