River is a British crime drama TV show that follows the story of John River, a brilliant police detective who is haunted by the murder victims whose cases he investigates. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he starts to question his own sanity and relies on his instincts, imagination, and empathy to solve the mysteries. Along the way, he forms a deep connection with a missing teenager and experiences hallucinations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.
Judas Kiss is a gripping crime thriller that follows the story of a couple caught in a web of blackmail, deceit, and murder. When a businesswoman is implicated in a bloody face crime, a detective from the FBI is determined to bring justice. As the investigation unfolds, dark secrets are revealed, leading to a thrilling climax.
In '$ (1971)', a group of criminals plan and execute a heist to rob a bank vault filled with money, encountering various obstacles and unexpected twists along the way.
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