Quiz Show is a gripping drama that explores the behind-the-scenes manipulation and scandal in a popular TV quiz show in the 1950s. It follows the story of a young lawyer, Richard Goodwin, who investigates allegations of fraud and deception. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a web of corruption, media manipulation, and political corruption that threatens to bring down the entire quiz show industry.
Path to War is a movie that tells the story of President Lyndon B. Johnson's decision to escalate American military involvement in the Vietnam War. The movie explores the complex political landscape during this period, showcasing the difficult choices, advisors, and the involvement of various key figures. It takes the viewers through the challenges faced by President Johnson and his reflection on the consequences of his actions.
Following the death of his brother John, Robert Kennedy is forced to rise to the challenge of leading his country and carrying on his brother's vision of what America could be.
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