Stitch! is the anime adaptation of the animated feature film Lilo & Stitch and the successor for the Lilo & Stitch series by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It takes place after leroy and stitch and debuted in Japan on October 2008. The show features a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo, and is set on a fictional island in the Ryukyus off the shore of Okinawa instead of Hawaii. The island is called Izayoi. A second anime season, called Stitch! ~The Mischievous Alien's Great Adventure! began airing in Japan on October 13, 2009. A third yet different series from the first two season anime, entitled Stitch! ~Best Friends Forever~ aired on TV Asahi on July 6, 2010. The first season began airing under the English language on the Australian Disney Channel on 4 December 2009, and went to also air in English later on Disney Channel Asia December 19, 2009. The first season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on May 2, 2010, in Latin Spanish dub. The Second season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on June 6, 2011. The Third Season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on August 20, 2012.
Usagi Drop tells the story of Daikichi, a young bachelor who takes in Rin, the illegitimate 6-year-old daughter of his late grandfather. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of family life, learning about love, loss, and what it means to be a parent. Throughout the series, they encounter various challenges such as navigating the world of daycare, dealing with the pressures of society, and coping with the loss of a loved one. Usagi Drop is a heartwarming slice-of-life anime that explores themes of family, friendship, and coming of age.
Asura is a gripping tale of survival and resilience as a young orphan boy named Asura navigates through a famine-stricken village in 15th-century Japan. With his only companion being a starving animal, Asura must learn to fend for himself and overcome the brutal realities of hunger, violence, and cannibalism. As his journey unfolds, Asura's rage and anger grow, leading him down a path of revenge and ultimately shaping his destiny.
I Was Born, But... tells the story of two young boys who, after moving to a new neighborhood, confront a neighborhood bully and deal with the challenges of growing up. The film explores themes of loss of innocence, social order, and the self-absorption of adults in a humorous and poignant way.
Based on a true story, Rob the Mob follows a couple who sets out to rob the mob in an attempt to gain wealth and freedom, leading them down a dangerous and thrilling path. With their lives at stake, they must navigate the treacherous world of the Italian-American mob and try to outsmart their powerful adversaries.
After being thought dead, a female prisoner escapes from captivity and embarks on a killing spree to seek revenge on those who have wronged her. Along the way, she confronts her incestuous brother and faces various obstacles.
A 5th grade elementary school student meets a transfer student who has a mysterious charm about her. He then learns her big secret.
Izumi (Kento Hayashi) was abandoned by his parents. He now commits burglary, targeting women and the elderly. He is chased by the cops. While on the run, in the mountains of Miyazaki Prefecture, he helps an injured elderly woman, Suma (Etsuko Ichihara). Izumi then stays at Suma's home. At first, Izumi keeps an eye for money that he can steal. The people though in the village think Izumi is Suma's grandson and take care of him. A change takes place in Izumi.
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