Antique is a comedy, drama, and romance film that follows the story of a bakery where four men work together. One of them, Jin-Hyuk, is a boxer turned pastry chef who suffers from a dark past. Despite their differences, the four men form a bond as they navigate through love, loss, and the challenges of running a bakery.
Count Cagliostro, whose family has tried for generations to rid the world of vampires, instructs his daughter and her fiance to protect several valuable documents.
Once upon a time, there lived a royally sour blueberry, a fair rhubarb maiden and a dastardly deceptive mirror! Sweetpea Beauty knows that what's on the inside is what matters most, but insecure Queen Blueberry can't see past her own reflection! So, when a decree is handed down that only the most beautiful can rule the land, the Queen gets nervous and things turn ugly! Banished to the dark forest, Sweetpea's fate seems bleak until a charming prince, a band of merry minstrels and seven snow peas come to the rescue! Will Sweetpea and her friends be able to warn the Queen in time to save her from the clutches of the tricky mirror - or will the crumbling kingdom and the Queen's own heart be lost forever? Find out in this fairy "Veggie" tale about the real meaning of true beauty.
Someone called the Bad Apple seeks to rule Bumblyburg by making Mayor Blueberry, Petunia Rhubarb, and LarryBoy (as well as Alfred) victims of various temptations. Soon everyone who has become trapped by their temptations realizes that they need the help of others around them in order to fight back and defeat the Bad Apple.
Larry the Cucumber stars as Minnesota Cuke, adventurer extraordinary. Follow Cuke around the world as he searches for the legendary Hairbrush of Samson on a race to keep it from his arch nemeses, Professor Rattan!
Minnesota Cuke is on the search for Noah's famous ark when he learns of a mysterious and powerful umbrella and a tricky villain who wants it for his own schemes. Will Minnesota have the confidence to face the challenge and keep searching or will all hopes of finding the ark be washed away for good?!
Larry the Cucumber stars as MacLarry- a misfit inventor who is stuck in the middle of the silliest battle every between two tribes of perpetual pranksters! Follow MacLarry as he realizes that his God-given talents may be just what is needed to save them all from the stinkiest cheese in the land!
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