In this film-noir crime thriller, a tough police detective is tasked with protecting a murder witness on a train trip. However, they soon find themselves being pursued by relentless assassins. As they race against time, they must navigate through deception, danger, and hidden identities to ensure their survival.
The Young Philadelphians tells the story of a young lawyer named Anthony Judson Lawrence III who comes from a working-class background and strives to overcome class discrimination and corruption in the high society of Philadelphia. He becomes embroiled in a scandalous murder trial and faces challenges in his personal life, including a broken engagement and a relationship with a socialite. Through it all, he must navigate the complexities of the legal system and fight for justice.
In Something in the Wind (1947), a case of mistaken identity ensues when a disc jockey is assumed to be the beneficiary of a large sum of money. As he navigates this new world of wealth, comedy and romance unfold in this delightful musical comedy.
When an alien creature from Venus arrives on Earth, it begins to control the minds of humans, causing chaos and destruction. A lab technician and a radio operator must find a way to stop the alien before it takes over the world.
A young student hungry for cash engages in the world of shady deals.
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