Set in the 1930s, 'The Great Debaters' follows the journey of a debate team from a small African-American college challenging the racially segregated debate teams of larger and predominantly white universities. Inspired by the true story of Melvin B. Tolson and his Wiley College debate team, the film chronicles their struggle for recognition and equality in a divided society.
Inherit the Wind is a movie based on the famous Scopes Monkey Trial, in which a biology teacher is prosecuted for teaching evolution. The trial becomes a battleground between the prosecutor, representing traditional religious beliefs, and the defense attorney, defending intellectual freedom and scientific knowledge. The movie explores themes of religion, politics, and the role of law in society.
On July 14, 1789, a mob of angry Parisians stormed the Bastille and seized the King's military stores. A decade of idealism, war, murder, and carnage followed, bringing about the end of feudalism and the rise of equality and a new world order. The French Revolution is a definitive feature-length documentary that encapsulates this heady (and often headless) period in Western civilization. With dramatic reenactments, illustrations, and paintings from the era, plus revealing accounts from journals and expert commentary from historians, The French Revolution vividly unfurls in a maelstrom of violence, discontent, and fundamental change. King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Maximilien Robespierre, and Napoleon Bonaparte lead a cast of thousands in this essential program from THE HISTORY CHANNEL®. Narrated by Edward Herrmann (The Aviator, Gilmore Girls), The French Revolution explores the legacy that--now more than ever--stands as both a warning and a guidepost to a new millennium
A young law student at Harvard Law School named Hart works hard to keep up with the demanding curriculum. As he navigates the competitive environment, he forms a close bond with a respected professor and grapples with the pressures of his studies. Along the way, he falls in love, faces sexism and rivalries, and learns valuable lessons about himself and the legal profession.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the impact of media manipulation and the power of propaganda. It delves into the work of renowned linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky, highlighting his analysis of how governments and media outlets shape public opinion. The film also examines the role of the media in perpetuating American imperialism and suppressing alternative narratives. Through compelling interviews and insightful research, Manufacturing Consent challenges viewers to critically evaluate the information they consume.
The Yes Men Fix the World (2009) is a documentary comedy that explores the world of corporate exploitation and activism. The film follows the antics of a group of activists known as The Yes Men as they impersonate powerful corporations and create outrageous stunts to expose the dark truths behind corporate greed. With a mix of humor and thought-provoking content, the film delves into themes of capitalism, hypocrisy, and the importance of standing up against corporate power.
A documentary that examines the erosion of civil liberties in America, exploring topics such as political paranoia, censorship, detention, and the suppression of dissent.
Den hardtslående intellektuelle retorikeren, lyrikeren, essayisten og forfatteren Georg Johannesen (1931-2005) døde i 2005 under en tur til Egypt. Bak seg hadde han en rekke diktsamlinger, fagbøker og romaner som både er provoserende og øyeåpnende. Mens innholdet i Johannesens tekster nok er det viktige, var han heller aldri redd for å utfordre formen, og da spesielt for å avsløre språkets tilsløring og fordreining av virkeligheten. Skillet mellom lyrikken og virkeligheten skulle oppheves, men også belyses. Som romanforfatter stod Johannesen også i motstand mot det bestående, og da spesielt mot samfunnets normer og etterkrigstidens sosialdemokrati. Johannesens inspirasjoner kom både fra Bibelen og Bertolt Brecht. I følge Johannesen kunne hans publikum deles i to: de som var enige med ham, og de som ikke hadde forstått ham. I denne dokumentarfilmen kommer vi litt nærmere Georg Johannesen.
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