In They Call Me Jeeg (2015), a small-time crook named Enzo Ceccotti becomes a superhero known as "Jeeg" after being exposed to radioactive waste. He reluctantly uses his newfound powers to fight against the Camorra, a powerful criminal organization in Rome, Italy. Along the way, Enzo forms an unlikely relationship with a young woman named Alessia, whom he saves from being taken hostage by the Camorra. Together, they navigate through a world filled with violence and corruption, as Enzo tries to come to terms with his identity as a superhero and his role in protecting the city he calls home.
Inside I'm Dancing is a comedy-drama film that tells the story of two friends, Michael and Rory, who both have physical disabilities. Despite their challenges, they decide to live life to the fullest and pursue their dreams, leading to an inspiring and heartwarming journey of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Set in Ireland, the film explores themes of independence, overcoming obstacles, and the power of human connection.
The movie follows a curmudgeon owner of a residential home who takes in a young woman as his carer, which leads to humorous and heartwarming interactions with the residents. Set during Christmas, the story explores themes of redemption, sisterhood, and embracing the joys of life.
Whatever his reasons or intent, when the young man carrying a cello begins working at the old-folks home, he strikes up an acquaintance with the man known as "the Maestro" (Fernando Fernan Gomez), who is full of plans to produce a play based on a Caribbean love affair and adventure in his youth. As he listens to the old man's reminiscences of love, he thinks of his own girlfriend (both are played by Angela Molina). Eventually, the beloved eccentric's play is produced, accompanied by the boy's cello music.
A young thief breaks into a house and gets caught in the act by a young attractive girl. He falls in love with the girl but the girl betrays him.
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