The Shining Hour is a drama/romance movie set in Wisconsin. It tells the story of a farming family and the trials they face, including an arson fire and a female self-sacrifice. The movie explores themes of love, sacrifice, and family relationships. The plot follows a female protagonist who is a pianist and ballroom dancer. The story also involves a wedding ceremony, a float plane, a lakeside house, and a house under construction. The movie portrays the complicated dynamics of a husband-wife relationship and the conflicts that arise within an insular world. It features a rich snob, a ladies maid, and a trumpet player. The climax of the movie involves a house burning down and a rescue mission. The movie ends with a kiss between the main characters.
Elephant Walk is a movie set in a Ceylon tea plantation during a cholera epidemic. The story follows a plantation owner's wife who faces various challenges including a romantic rivalry and an elephant stampede.
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