Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor, situated near the newly discovered wormhole. The station becomes a hub for exploration and diplomacy as it is exposed to various alien cultures and faces challenges from within and outside. Led by Captain Benjamin Sisko, the crew navigates complex political situations, battles ancient enemies, and discovers the mysteries of the wormhole.
In the 24th century, a federation starship is stranded alone in space. The ship encounters new species and civilizations as it explores the Delta Quadrant.
Repli-Kate is a comedy sci-fi movie from 2002 about a journalist who accidentally creates a clone of herself. The movie follows the hilarious and chaotic adventures that ensue as the journalist tries to manage her own duplicate and keep her secret hidden.
The time is the 21st century, after the fall of the Galactic Republic. Technology is at a standstill, families have been dismantled, and those who have survived the destruction now live in a savage age ruled by evil warlords. When a young sister of an outlaw is kidnapped and held captive in another galaxy, an interplanetary scheme is hatched - one that threatens the future.
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