Dolphin Tale is a drama family movie based on a true story. It follows the journey of a young boy named Sawyer who befriends a dolphin named Winter, who lost her tail in a crab trap. Together, they go on a life-changing adventure to save Winter and teach the world the power of friendship and resilience.
When a young aide stumbles upon a deadly political conspiracy, he becomes a target and must go on the run to uncover the truth and clear his name.
Urge (2016) follows a group of friends who go on a vacation to a paradise island. They discover a new drug that gives them intense pleasure but also leads to dangerous and violent behavior. As they become increasingly addicted, their actions spiral out of control and they find themselves in a fight for survival.
When a group of teenagers discovers a remote-controlled toy helicopter that can control arcade games, they must use their skills to battle virtual villains and save the real world.
Characters in a bio technological firm utilize nanotechnology (miniature, smart robots) to control others for their own good.
Waldo, a former prison thug, gets released after 30 years. He gets to live with Willy, a janitor in his former workplace. Together, they take down the company boss who operates his secret, illegal business.
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