Pather Panchali follows the story of a young boy named Apu, who grows up in a poverty-stricken village in rural India. The film explores themes of struggle, poverty, and the challenges faced by Apu and his family as they navigate through life. It portrays the harsh realities of their existence, including malnutrition, child abuse, and the constant search for work. Despite the hardships, the film also highlights moments of joy and resilience.
After the mysterious death of her sister at a party, a cabaret singer receives an anonymous letter suggesting foul play. As she delves into her sister's murder, she uncovers a web of deceit and a network of suspects with political ties and secret relationships. With the help of her husband and her aunt, she must navigate through the dangerous world of high society to uncover the truth before the killer strikes again.
A haunting love story from Robert Lund, Zoe's husband.
War, fate, and a broken Walkman transcend time and space in this sci-fi love story.
Exploring the wit, work and world of Joe Orton through his own words, and the testimony of those who knew him and worked with him.
The tragic story of the greatest soccer player the most have never heard of.
The big screen adaptation of Oguz Atay's story 'Forgotten'. A girl encounters a memory from her past and is forced to remember what she forgot.
Based on true events of the mysterious death of CPN-UML leader Madan Bhandari in Dashdhunga, Nepal.
After the sudden death of her best friend, Sienna is left in shambles. Struggling to cope with the loss, she embarks on a journey toward acceptance, which profoundly impacts her life and the lives of those around her.
A documentary exploring the personal stories in a mental institution from the 1900s.
Adults reflect on the experience of losing a parent at a young age.
One year after the death of Simone de Beauvoir (14 april 1986) Delphine Seyrig pays homage by visiting her grave. which she finds still covered with flowers and letters from all over the world.
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