Oscar is a comedy crime movie set in the 1930s, based on European literature. It revolves around a dying father and his rich family. The movie showcases a humorous portrayal of a crotchety old man who gets into hilarious situations involving luggage, diamonds, and women's underwear. It also explores the dynamics of overprotective parents and the complexities of business dealings. With a witty dialogue and a touch of French humor, Oscar provides an entertaining and lighthearted watch.
After being sentenced to death for her crimes, a female assassin is given a chance to start a new life as a government operative. As she adapts to her new role, she must navigate the dangerous world of espionage and face her past.
In the reconstruction era after the Civil War, a man named John Sommersby returns to his wife and a small Tennessee community. However, as he settles back into his old life, doubts begin to arise about his true identity. His wife begins to suspect that he may be an imposter, and this suspicion leads to a court case where John must prove his true identity. As the trial progresses, secrets come to light and the truth about John's past is revealed.
Diabolique follows the story of a mistress and wife who plot to murder the abusive husband, but things take an unexpected turn when the body mysteriously disappears.
A fast-paced ensemble comedy about a wedding planner and his thrown-together crew whose meticulously planned celebration gets way out of hand.
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