D.Gray-man follows the story of exorcists, specially chosen individuals with the power to fight against the Millennium Earl and his army of Akuma. The exorcists possess a substance called Innocence, which allows them to temporarily gain supernatural abilities to counter the Akuma. The main character, Allen Walker, joins the Black Order, an organization dedicated to protecting humanity from the Earl's evil plans. As Allen dives deeper into the war, secrets of his past and the truth about Innocence are unveiled.
When Mafuyu Oribe and her adopted sister Tomo rescue a strange wounded man, they have no idea what they’re getting involved with or what the consequences will be. Alexander Nikolaevith Hell is an Iron Qwaser, one of many opposing factions of super-warriors.
D.Gray-man Hallow is set in a world where humanity is plagued by creatures called Akuma. Allen Walker, a young exorcist, awakens to his true potential as the prophesied "Destroyer of Time" and joins the Black Order, a secret organization that fights against the Akuma. As Allen and his comrades battle the Akuma and their leader, the Millennium Earl, they uncover dark secrets and face numerous challenges in their quest to save humanity.
Frank Film is an avant-garde animated short film that utilizes cutout animation and collage techniques. The film explores themes of materialism, symbolism, and personal reflection through the use of repeating images and religious imagery. It tells a nonlinear and abstract story, incorporating elements of autobiography and surrealism. The film is a visual exploration of the artist's life and experiences, incorporating various objects such as fish, furniture, candles, and kitchen appliances.
"Chronicles of the Present Times" - An experimental trilogy. New Old flows together footage from more than a decade of his wandering between scenes, sets, and drugs, an accelerated world tour through various iterations of the counterculture.
Sta. Niña (2012) is a powerful drama that follows the story of a young Catholic girl who must navigate forgiveness, faith, and tragedy. Set in Pampanga, Philippines, the film explores themes of religion, separation, sin, and sacrifice. The girl's journey is shaped by events such as a mudslide, a preserved corpse, and the construction of a religious icon. As she grapples with her beliefs and the hypocrisy of those around her, she must find the strength to carry on. The film also touches on themes such as Catholicism, Alzheimer's disease, incest, and faith healing.
Nightmarish animation with a great soundtrack, about dreams and sacrifice. By well-known Dutch multitalented director Rosto. Made in France. Rosto, one of the most extravagant and famous animators from the Netherlands, had to finance this film in France. Lonely Bones is a hallucinogenic film about dreams and making sacrifices. 'Hail! To all the souls-oh. Hiding on rotting floors. Little did they know that they would make today.' (Rosto) Screened before Frankenstein's Army.
The faded and fragmented memories of a relationship that's perpetually under sedation.
Dead Saturday is a gripping drama set in the rural setting of Alabama. It explores the lives of teenagers in a small Southern town and their experiences with the church and religious imagery. The story delves into the conflicts and challenges they face, offering a powerful portrayal of a Southern community.
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