Baccano! is an anime series set in the 1930s America, where various characters, including immortals, criminals, and psychopaths, collide in a chaotic and non-linear storyline. The show follows multiple interconnected storylines, jumping between different time periods and locations, revealing the mysteries surrounding immortality and the elixir of life.
In Cocoon, a group of elderly people living in a retirement community stumble upon a swimming pool that rejuvenates them. They soon realize that the pool is a hiding place for a group of friendly extraterrestrials who are trying to retrieve cocoons containing their companions. As the elderly protagonists continue to visit the swimming pool, they experience renewed energy and youthfulness, leading to a series of heartwarming and humorous events.
Young Ones is a sci-fi drama set in a post-apocalyptic world where water is a precious resource. When a bandit threatens the safety of his family, a teenage boy must find a way to protect them. The movie explores family relationships, love, and the lengths one would go to survive in a dystopian future.
After a seventy-year-old grandmother magically becomes young again, she embraces the opportunity to live life to the fullest and pursue her dreams, causing both hilarity and heartwarming moments along the way.
In Metamorphosis (1990), a researcher at a university conducts experiments with DNA testing to rejuvenate people. However, the experiments go awry and create a monstrous creature. The researcher must stop the creature before it wreaks havoc on the city.
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