Rockers is a 1978 movie set in Jamaica, focusing on the lives of a group of young musicians. The film explores themes of poverty, discrimination, and organized crime, as the musicians face challenges and obstacles while trying to make a career in the reggae music industry. The story follows their struggles and friendships, as they navigate the tough realities of their lives in the ghetto. With a blend of humor and drama, Rockers provides a glimpse into the vibrant and inspiring world of Jamaican reggae music.
A single mother determined to make it as a singer puts together an all-girl reggae group named Neeta, Sweeta, & Nastie with her friends. Living in a housing estate with little support, the odds are obviously against her. Emotionally she struggles too as she learns at her mother's death that her actual mother is the woman she had thought was her older sister. With the help of a female agent, the group starts to get some exposure and rises above their setting.
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