Guiding Light is a drama-filled soap opera that follows the lives of the residents in a small town. The show explores various themes such as romance, social issues, scandals, and intrigue. It also delves into topics like marriage, divorce, custody battles, and murder. With its long run, Guiding Light has become an iconic television show that has captivated audiences for years.
Universal Soldier is an action-packed sci-fi thriller about a top-secret government program that reanimates Vietnam War veterans to create super-soldiers. Two soldiers, Luc Deveraux and Andrew Scott, who were enemies during the Vietnam War, are killed in battle but revived as indestructible cyborgs. When Deveraux starts regaining his memory, he goes on a mission to stop the program and uncover the government's coverup. The movie culminates in a final showdown between Deveraux and Scott, with a female reporter caught in the middle.
After suffering a head injury, a man wakes up in a hospital with amnesia. He teams up with a group of criminals to discover the truth about a bank robbery and recover the hidden loot. As they navigate the dangerous world of corrupt federal agents and violent criminals, the man's memory slowly starts to return, revealing shocking secrets.
In Body of Deceit, a ghostwriter finds herself caught in a dangerous game of lies and manipulation when she takes on a project for a famous author. As she delves deeper into the dark secrets of the author's life, she becomes a pawn in a deadly game with unexpected twists and turns. With themes of memory loss, romance, and betrayal, Body of Deceit will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Concorde Affair is a thrilling action movie that revolves around a reporter who becomes entangled in a conspiracy after investigating an airplane crash. The crash leads him to uncover a plot involving terrorism and sabotage. As he delves deeper, he starts regaining lost memories, including a connection to the crash. With amnesia, déjà vu, and danger at every turn, he must navigate a web of deceit to unveil the truth.
A government investigator wakes up with memory loss after a car crash and discovers a conspiracy in a research facility. As he regains his memory, he becomes a target and must uncover the truth before it's too late.
Humans fight to protect their land from invading demi-human tribes in relentless battles. As his world is engulfed by intense warfare, Kai, a village boy from Lag, joins the fight to defend all he knows. After Kai’s comrades fall one by one and he’s injured, he suddenly recalls memories from another life. A fantasy tale unfolds as a village boy explores a world of magic, mystery, and heroism.
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