Brother Bear 2 is an animated adventure comedy that follows the journey of a grizzly bear named Kenai. After being transformed into a bear himself, Kenai must find a way to reverse the spell and regain his human form. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and forms unlikely friendships. With the help of his new companions, Kenai embarks on a quest to restore harmony and return to his rightful existence.
In 'The Brass Bottle', a young architect discovers a magic brass bottle that contains a genie. He tries to use the genie's powers to improve his life, but chaos ensues as the genie's magic causes unexpected problems. The architect must find a way to control the genie and undo the damage before it's too late.
When Spooky learns that Casper has a date with Wendy to the beach instead of playing baseball, he plays tricks on them.
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