The Waltons follows the lives of the close-knit Walton family as they navigate the challenges of the Great Depression in rural Virginia. The show explores the relationships between the family members, their struggles and triumphs, and the importance of family bonds during difficult times.
Join meditation teacher Andy Puddicombe as he guides you towards a calmer and happier mind. Explore the depths of the human experience and find solace in the practice of meditation.
A fur trapper, left for dead by his companions after being mauled by a bear, must navigate the treacherous wilderness in order to survive and seek redemption.
Billy Yeager The Ineffable Enigma is a documentary that delves into the life of Billy Yeager, a talented singer-songwriter. It explores his reflections on life, his love for music, and his experiences as a guitarist and musician. The film also highlights the influence of the desert on his creativity.
Man reconsiders his life after a chance meeting with a childhood acquaintance.
In a straightforward yet unexceptional rendering of the life and loves of Alberto (Ben Gazzara), a writer/director approaching the hill though not yet over it, director Alberto Bevilacqua has used his own experiences to fashion a conventional tale about a search for the "perfect woman." His mettlesome neighbor Luisa (Lina Sastri) just will not leave him alone; she was the reason why he ended his marriage to Maura (Claudia Cardinale), but Alberto considers their affair dead and buried. Recently, an anonymous "dream woman" has been calling him for some seductive phone exchanges. As he searches out the identity of the mystery caller he is also distracted by Luisa who starts to insinuate herself back into his affections. Sooner or later, Alberto will just have to decide how to handle his love life, which in the end may only be mesmerizing to himself alone.
Craving that girl she was never able to replace and seeking inspiration in her presence, or absence, or rather fantasy, a troubled writer embarks on a stormy journey of love, passion and potentially perdition.
A short philosophical reflection about receiving a fatal medical diagnosis in springtime when the power of nature is as strongest. It is a surreal state and all beauty and happiness is in contrast to the bleakness of the situation. Abruptly confronted by the question what is truly important the turmoil is within...Wordless. Life becomes painfully clear and the strongest feeling of all is that we have each other now, not tomorrow. There may never be a tomorrow.
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