Union Depot is a comedy-drama set in a train station during the Great Depression. The film follows various characters who find themselves at the station, including a tramp, a prostitute, and a government agent. The plot revolves around a proposition involving counterfeit money and a case filled with instruments. As the night unfolds, there are instances of impersonation, false arrest, accidental death, and insanity. The film touches on themes of desperation, survival, and human connections.
The school has its own baseball team. The trouble is that there are nine of them and several of the girls are too weak, too small, too fat, too inexperienced, etc. They are in trouble. What is more, their manager is a janitor. The girls want to win in this adaptation of a popular manga in Japan.
While crossing on the train ferry to New Orleans, roving reporter Addison Francis Murphy borrows money from singing hillbilly "Carolina," then loses it all in a crap game. Outside on deck, Murphy sees two men shaking hands, and after he looks away, hears a splash of water and discovers both men have disappeared...
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