Indian Summer is a heartwarming drama set in post-war Italy. It follows the story of a substitute teacher who finds solace in poetry and literature while navigating themes of love, unhappiness, and the fleeting nature of life. As he forms relationships with various individuals, including a gambler and a high school teacher, he discovers the significance of human connections and the pursuit of happiness.
The Revengers' Comedies follows an eccentric family as they seek revenge on their enemies. With a mix of dark humor and absurd situations, the family navigates their way through a series of comedic mishaps. As they plot their revenge, they encounter asthma attacks, horseback riding, housemaids, gunshot wounds, and more. The film explores themes of love, family dynamics, and the lengths people will go to for revenge.
When Chase, a housewife from a small town on Martha's Vineyard, meets Elizabeth, a woman who is taking care of her mentally ill husband, their lives become intertwined. As Chase becomes increasingly obsessed with Elizabeth, her mental health begins to deteriorate, leading to a breakdown and a traumatic experience.
A sequel movie to The Diary 3 (2000). Still in Rome as a guest of Richard a more mellowed Anna is no longer an actress. One day, her diary is stolen on the street, she tries her best to get it back, and it's back, with an encounter with a man she will fall in love with.
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