La Seine no Hoshi is an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire. It was created by Mitsuru Kaneko, and was directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was written by Sōji Yoshikawa, while the character designer was Akio Sugino. The music for the series was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi.
Repli-Kate is a comedy sci-fi movie from 2002 about a journalist who accidentally creates a clone of herself. The movie follows the hilarious and chaotic adventures that ensue as the journalist tries to manage her own duplicate and keep her secret hidden.
Idlewild is a movie set in the 1930s and follows the lives of Percival and Rooster, two friends working at a club called Church. Percival dreams of becoming a pianist, while Rooster is involved in criminal activities. Their lives take a dramatic turn when they get entangled in love, betrayal, and redemption.
Lively scenes of Paris, all narrated by Maurice Chevalier, link together four dramatic ballet choreographies by Roland Petit: La Croqueuse de diamants (The Gold Digger), Cyrano de Bergerac, Deuil en 24 heures (A Merry Mourning), and Carmen.
In Happy Go Lovely, a girl in Edinburgh, Scotland is struggling to pay her rent and finds herself caught up in a music revue. Along the way, she falls in love with the show's director and must navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry.
Murmansk, a Russian port located near the Arctic Circle. Murmansk was a key military port of the entire Soviet nuclear submarine fleet. Today, only tons of dangerous radioactive material remain - like a ticking time bomb, threatening the North Sea environment, but also the whole globe. A team of German scientists has taken on a monumental task: to safely store 200 nuclear submarines and icebreakers so that they do not endanger our environment. The document captures step by step all the steps that experts have to take to fulfill this challenging task ...
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