Spirits in the Forest (2019) is a documentary film that follows the lives of six dedicated Depeche Mode fans from different parts of the world, showcasing their love for the iconic band and how their lives have been impacted by their music. Through personal and emotional interviews, the film captures the essence of the band's global community and the deep connection their music has forged among their fans.
MOLD is a fan shot music video to the Lunar Vacation original song Mold. First created in 2022, MOLD has been revamped and edited for it's new release in 2025.
Tarja: Act I - Live in Rosario (2012) is a concert film that captures a live performance by Tarja Turunen, the former lead vocalist of the symphonic metal band Nightwish. The film features a mesmerizing symphonic rock show with powerful vocals and epic stage production. Recorded in Rosario, Argentina, the concert highlights Tarja's incredible talent as a singer and her ability to captivate the audience with her dynamic and emotive performances.
Tarja performs a live concert at Luna Park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The concert is recorded by fans and showcases Tarja's symphonic metal and alternative rock music.
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