Outer Space (1999) is a surreal and avant-garde experimental film that combines elements of psychological horror and dark imagery. The film takes place in outer space and explores themes of obscurity and reappropriation through the use of archive footage and surreal visuals.
24 Hour Psycho is the title of an art installation created by artist Douglas Gordon in 1993. The work consists entirely of an appropriation of Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 Psycho slowed down to approximately two frames a second, rather than the usual 24. As a result it lasts for exactly 24 hours, rather than the original 109 minutes. The film was an important work in Gordon's early career, and is said to introduce themes common to his work, such as "recognition and repetition, time and memory, complicity and duplicity, authorship and authenticity, darkness and light."
Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy is an avant-garde short film that combines collage and reappropriated images to explore the relationship between a mother and son. Through a mix of found footage and independent filmmaking, the movie creates a unique and experimental narrative. It also features a film-within-a-film concept, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the story.
This is a compilation of TV commercials, interviews and propaganda regarding the cigarette and tobacco industry.
These six essays on film/image history reconstruct cinema history by 're-imagining' its origins, and its poetries, and use historical films themselves (as 'text') to provide the meanings of their creations. Together, these film essays comprise a critical/structural investigation of silent cinema ending with Segei Eisenstein's works (for Stalin) - from Lumiere and Melies through surrealism and horros, to montage and propaganda, we 're-invent' epochs in cinema that became its language and culture.
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