Saratoga is a romantic comedy drama that takes place in Saratoga, New York. It follows the story of a bookie who finds himself in a gambling debt and is forced to work on a stud farm. Along the way, he gets involved in deception, auctions, and a train trip. The movie explores themes of love, marriage, and financial problems.
After dying in a car crash, a high school girl named Susie Q returns as a friendly ghost to help her grieving family and solve the mystery of her murder. Along the way, she reconnects with her high school crush and discovers the true meaning of life after death. With the help of her ghostly powers, she uncovers a scandal involving a real estate deed and fights to prevent her family's foreclosure. Susie Q also uses her supernatural abilities to help the high school basketball team succeed. Set in the scenic Pacific Northwest, this heartwarming film explores themes of love, friendship, and the power of the afterlife.
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