Miracle: Letters to the President is a heartwarming drama set in a small village in 1986. The story revolves around a smart boy who becomes a prodigy, dealing with the loss of his sister. He finds solace in writing letters to the president and takes refuge in the local library. The movie showcases his journey of growth, relationships, and the power of communication.
After a tragic accident leaves her in a wheelchair, Jessabelle returns to her childhood home in Louisiana where she begins to experience supernatural occurrences. As she unravels the mysteries of her family's past, she discovers a voodoo cult and must confront her own demons.
Ripe is a thought-provoking drama that explores the complex themes of sexuality, relationships, and coming of age. The story revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Leon who embarks on a journey of self-discovery after a traumatic incident. Along the way, she encounters various characters and experiences that challenge her understanding of love, desire, and personal boundaries.
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