In a nineteenth-century world where reanimated corpses serve the living as labourers, a young medical student named John Watson becomes immersed in a conspiracy involving the government and a secretive organization known as 'The Empire of Corpses'. As Watson gets closer to the truth, he discovers dark secrets about the nature of life, death, and the boundaries of science.
When an artist falls in love with a call girl, he gets mixed up in a dangerous cult that worships Cthulhu. As he navigates the twisted world of sex, monsters, and rituals, he must confront his deepest fears and confront the true nature of the cult.
In 1920, Dr. Herbert West and Dr. Simon Helder are experimenting with methods to revive the dead, but Dr. West is prepared to go much farther than Dr. Helder to achieve this goal.
Freddy is a young writer of horror stories for children. Looking for inspiration, he enters in the most unusual places. But Freddy never imagined that his search will take him to live his own horror story.
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