From Up on Poppy Hill is a nostalgic romance set in 1963 Yokohama, Japan. It follows the story of Umi Matsuzaki, a high school girl who falls in love with a fellow student, Shun Kazama. Together, they work to save their school's clubhouse from demolition, all while uncovering the secrets of their pasts and the history of their town. This heartwarming tale explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of preserving history.
When Mickey Matson receives a package containing his grandfather's pocket watch, he is thrust into an adventure to uncover the secrets behind his family's past. Alongside his new friend Sully, Mickey must solve puzzles and outsmart the villainous Copperhead in order to find a hidden treasure and save their town.
A British soldier escapes from 1880s Khartoum and goes down the Nile river with a fellow soldier, a governess and the daughter of an emir.
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