A struggling filmmaker named Bobby Bowfinger is desperate to make a movie but lacks the funds and the star power. He comes up with a plan to shoot the film on a guerrilla-style by secretly filming a famous actor named Kit Ramsey without his knowledge. With the help of his motley crew, Bowfinger sets out to create a film-within-a-film while dealing with numerous obstacles and challenges. The comedy revolves around the hilarious chaos that ensues as Bowfinger's deception unfolds.
In a park on a rainy evening, a 19-year-old university student, Fumi, offers an umbrella to a soaking wet 10-year-old girl, Sarasa. Realizing her reluctance to go home, Fumi lets her stay in his place, where she spends the next two months in peace. They take each other's hands and seem to have finally found their place in the world until Fumi is arrested for kidnapping. Fifteen years later, the lonely two are reunited both still suffering from the stigma as the victim and perpetrator of a pedophile case. Will the society give a place to their unshakable bond they have formed?
A young school teacher goes on a vacation to Rome, Italy and meets a charming Italian man. They pretend to be husband and wife, explore the city together, and fall in love. However, they face challenges and obstacles along the way that test their relationship.
Tiny Giants 3D is a mesmerizing adventure that explores the world of tiny creatures, including chipmunks, mice, and snails, as they navigate through challenging environments such as freezing snow, scorching heat, and heavy rain. The film showcases their struggle for survival, food gathering, hibernation, and epic duels, all while emphasizing the importance of justice and the resilience of these small creatures.
Mr Humphreys, a modest clerk, unexpected inherits a country mansion from an obscure uncle. In its grounds lies a maze and when he explores it, the new owner disturbs something frightening at its centre.
Audrey is so annoyed by the rain, she wishes strongly it wouldn't rain again. She dreams that drought hits the continent hard that she seeks the Rainmaker for help.
Gandy Goose pulls a "Chicken Little," announcing that the sky is falling.
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